Overcoming writer's block
I do not believe that writer’s block exists… at least until I attended a writing workshop where the respectable speakers said there is no such thing and it all comes down to self-discipline… and maybe a couple of routines. But for the sake of this post, and of those who’ve been asking how to deal with writer’s block, let’s pretend it exists. And if it really does, how do we overcome it. As I write this, I am on a break from editing a fifty-thousand word draft I finished writing in three months. This is the second book I’ve written this year (and a first in this genre so that’s saying a lot), proof that writer’s block can indeed be combatted. A change in environment Sometimes, a change in environment is necessary. Not just in writing but I guess in other life aspects that give us insurmountable (insurmountable???) amount of stress. For example, I went to this cafe in the nearby mountains just to be in the mood to write the final battle scene in my book. It wasn’t spectacular by any