From my bookshelf: How I choose my books

It's Tuesday morning and I dread logging in for work. I've been working since Sunday night (not sure how I was made to work ON A SUNDAY but apparently I did), and it felt like my private time is violated. As if I could get back the used time in one full blow. Anyway, instead of brooding over the lost time, lemme talk about some of the books in my shelf using the How I Choose My Books tag. I got it from The Bookish Underdog when I was looking for something to write about. Let's begin:

1. Find a book on your shelves or e-reader with a blue cover. What made you want to pick up this book?

Far From Xanadu, Julie Anne Peters. I could have picked The Fault in the Stars (behind it) but I figured everyone must have read and heard about it. Plus, this one is already in front. This book is also called Pretend You Love Me (alternate title), and it's about unrequited love of all sorts. I got it in 2007 after reading Peter's 4 other books. Her writing is just so beautiful it's almost lyrical that I had to ask Power Books to have it shipped for me.

2. Think of a book you didn’t expect to enjoy, but did. Why did you read it in the first place?

Doppelganger, David Stahler Jr. I picked it up from a book fair on a whim - I never heard of it and that was the first time I saw the book. I was intrigued by the blurb so I thought to give it a shot, and thankfully I did. It was an awesome book, I like it more that Levithan's Every Day series.

3. Stand in front of your bookshelf with your eyes closed and pick up a book at random. How did you discover this book?

While The Women Are Sleeping, Javier Marias. I found this in random in a book sale (Power Books) last year. The cover is so nice so I put it in my cart, and I ended up loving it. In fact, I plan to read all the books by Javier Marias.

4. Pick a book that someone personally recommended to you. What did you think of it?

To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee. This is the very first book I read when I decided I wanted to read more than Goosebumps and Fear Street. It was recommended to me by an attorney during my internship back in college.

5. Pick a book that you discovered through YouTube / book blogs. Did it live up to the hype?

The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night Time, Mark Haddon. I saw this on Facebook being recommended by a friend to no one in particular (back in 2008 or 2009). I trusted her taste in books so I decided to give it a shot. It's now one of my favorites.

6. Find a book on your shelves or e-reader with a one-word title. What drew you to this book?

Inexcusable, Chris Lynch. Now that I think about it, I have mixed feelings about this book. I suddenly want to read it again.

7. What book did you discover through a film / TV adaptation?

Everything Everything, Nicola Yoon. I heard the movie was showing so I read it first. I ended up not watching the film. Lol!

8. Think of your all-time favourite book/s. When did you read these and why did you pick them up in the first place?

Eleanor Rigby, Douglas Coupland. I read it in 2007, and I like it because I can somehow relate to Liz Dunn's aloneness.

By The Time You Read This I'll Be Dead. I read it in 2012 (dammit I can't find my copy), and I like it because it's beautifully written it's almost lyrical (refer to first book, haha), plus Daelyn Rice's harrowing tale is too palpable I could almost touch it.

Harry Potter series. Uhmm, need I say more?

So, yeah. Those are some of the books I've read over the years. Have you read some of them, too? Or all of them? Let's talk about our favorite books down in the comments section.

Stay sane, lovelies!