Hey, it's April!

Just like my March entry, my April welcome post is one day late. I just completed the finishing touches of my April bullet journal spread this morning because I had to do something else last night.


Anyway, April has always been exciting because first, it's my birth month; second, it's when I published Right Where You Left Me in 2018 (wow has it really been 3 years?); and third, it's summer and ripe mangoes are everywhere (though there's only dry and wet season in the PH, I will always refer to April as the summer month). But I am not so keen this year because I do not look forward to another (god forbid) quarantined birthday celebration. I'm out of copies of Right Where You Left Me so how can I promote it? Public markets are the last thing I want to visit these days because I am still scared af with corona. Millennial problems? Maybe. I can hear people saying "people are dying everywhere and you worry about quarantined birthday how dare you!" 

April 2021 is still exciting though, because there's a lot of things that I look forward too. I am an EXO-L now and it's Sehun's birthday on the 12th. Yonghwa's Daebak Real Estate drama premieres on the 14th. Earth Day is on the 22nd and it's going to be the launch date of the environmental organization I just joined. It may not look like it, but I actually care about Mother Earth more that people could imagine. Heck, I even considered going zero-waste. And I guess, the point of all these is that, no matter how bitter and hard life could be, there's always, always a bright side to it, if you only take the time to look at it. 

April is self-care month.

The past quarter

The first quarter of the year felt dismal. I tried to be physically active in February, so I conquered my fear of corona and did morning walks with my old man. It made me feel good inside and out, because there's nothing more liberating than convening with nature after a year of accidental solitary confinement. I felt like the 5km walks every morning burned all the late-night ramyun and donuts I'd munched on evenings I'm caught crying over Kdrama scenes. It's a wonder to be seeing farm animals and at the same time a little bit heartbreaking to watch them graze in captivity. I thought it was gonna be like that for while, until the government declared curfews and executed community quarantine yet again because the country cannot get over the number of active cases of covid-19 and it's become out of control.

The river where the sun rises.

Despite that, I continued waking up at 0530, a habit I am glad to have acquired. It helped me to be more productive and more motivated to do the tasks I set for the day, both for work and for my passion projects. Although, I only read two books (Sa Paalam Nagwawakas Ang Lahat Ng Pagtatagpo and Single, Taken, Or Building My Empire) and watched two dramas (Hospital Playlist and Where Do I Come From). I didn't even post reviews on all of them because... I don't really know? Did I get busy? Maybe? Was I uninspired? Probably. Whatever it was that held me the last quarter should go away, because I refuse to slump the whole year. I have more books to read, more work to finish, and more projects to work on that I cannot wait to share so please please, bear with me because I'm trying! lol

I really want to ask you how you're coping up with all of these, but maybe most of you have gotten over the pandemic. Please send help, because we're going nowhere in this place. :D
