Destiny Cheated Me is 10 years old

Storytime to when I submitted my first published book to the publisher. I actually submitted Destiny Cheated Me to two publishers. I can no longer remember the first publisher I submitted it to. What I can remember was they had tons of comments about my manuscript. Even the first working title was unacceptable. Thankfully, the 2014 version of me wasn’t a severe procrastinator, and despite my extremely weak finger muscles because of myasthenia gravis , I edited the manuscript. I tried to clean every nook and cranny of that story and addressed all the comments the first publisher had. But I never went back to them. I submitted the much cleaner version to Lifebooks. I didn’t know where I pulled the confidence to hit Send on that email, expressing the desire for my story to be published. I didn’t think it was crap. I didn’t think I sucked. All I thought about was how much fun I had while I was writing that story. Louise and her friends were the barkada classmates I’d want to be in. Th...